There are always bad apples in the bunch, but Mathieu and Hitchens have to stay above the fray! Responding to this is only making matters worse between some in this fanbase and a struggling team. It remains to be seen if the Chiefs or Tyrann will want to stay together after 2021, but this sure doesn’t help things in either camp!
The comments in full via arrowhead.nation on Instagram

last thing anyone needs is trash talk. I love this game and I know these players do as well. Just like any job you go through hard times, whether you get paid millions or 40k a year.. The world revolves around money and stress and life’s BS.. love football love this team and they will pull it together.The entire team seems flat, but they will adjust our season is not over! Let’s go play some football!!
This is and will be a great team. All teams have slumps or struggles. Arm chair quarterbacks are always going to exist. These athletes are professionals and role models. They should remember that before commenting. To say this fan base is the most toxic in the NFL is a stretch and lumps the entire fan base into a category, because of the opinions of a few. The entire thread is absurd and unnecessary. They win as a team and lose as a team. How many people actually win all the time in life. Losing builds strength and character. Let’s get back to supporting our team and quit looking like fools on both sides.
Ignore the bandwagon fans who are spouting nonsense, and concentrate on those of us who simply LOVE OUR CHIEFS!!!