With it being international left handers day and me being a fellow left hander, what better time to rank all 22 left-handed quarterbacks in NFL history!

Honorable Mentions
Tua Tagovailoa – Rookie in 2020

Patrick Mahomes

#22 Pat White

#21 Jared Lorenzen

#20 Terry Baker

#19 Doug Nussmeier

#18 David Humm

#17 Tyler Palko

#16 Kellen Moore

#15 Bobby Douglass

#14 Todd Marinovich

#13 Cade McNown

#12 Paul McDonald

#11 Chris Simms

#10 Matt Leinart

#9 Tim Tebow

#8 Scott Mitchell

#7 Jim Zorn

#6 Frankie Albert

#5 Ken Stabler

#4 Michael Vick

#3 Mark Brunell

#2 Boomer Esiason

#1 Steve Young