Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs have released statements about change and unity, which you can view below. UPDATE: Patrick’s girlfriend, Brittany Matthews, also recently spoke out on this issue as well.
Patrick Mahomes’ Statement

Kansas City Chiefs’ Statement

Brittany Matthews’ Statement

Thank you ,once again im PROUD to be a Chief Fan,these words are so powerful and have so much meaning,I wish others would just beleive in each other and not let the demons destroy what is great.this is a very sad time in our lives,We all need to stop and remind ourselves on how amazing we all are and remember how we all got here,Thank GOD for his Love for all man kind. God Bless us all and GOD Bless this great nation we live in. GOOOOOO CCCHHHIIIEFFFFS.
I am ashamed of the police and violence. I also was raised in a mixed society and half my family is mixed. We need to protest but peacefully. Don’t destroy your friends and family business and home.
It’s time for a change. Kapernick kneeled & didn’t kill anyone. No comparison to Kspernick’s message. No kneel to kill!!! Arrogance & hate killed George. My son Cameron Darnell Lamb (CD) murdered by KCPD on 12-3-19 & I still don’t know the name of the officer that murdered my son not his partner. Justce4 all who have been unjustly MURDERED!
No kneel should kill. My son Cameron Darnell Lamb (CD) was murdered by KCPD on 12-3-19. The names of the Kansas City police detective’s have yet to be revealed nor has a probable cause statement been presented or released. Justice4CD, Judtice4CameronDarnellLamb, Justice4George, Ahmaud, Breonna, & all known & unknown victims murdered by who we pay to serve & protect.