Tom Brady has the accolades that many say overwhelmingly solidify him as the greatest of all time or the G.O.A.T. Tom has an uncanny preparation and will to win comparable to Michael Jordan’s and that cannot be denied. However, unlike Michael Jordan, Tom is a poor sport, sore loser, and just flat out childish. It’s really hard to discount his achievements, but personally looking at his social media posts and tired act when losing; he’s not my G.O.A.T. Screaming at your offensive linemen who are grown men and leaving the field with time still remaining on the clock, not shaking the opposing quarterbacks hand, is just Tom’s petulant child act and I, for one, am tired of it. He’s a 9 year old in a 43 year old’s body and sure when I was 9 I’d get mad when losing a backyard game with my friends, but I’m 36 now and have matured, Tom has not.
Tom Brady refusing to shake hands after certain losses, but never forgets to after wins!
Brady beats Goff in the Super Bowl and shakes his hand

Brady loses to Goff on Monday Night Football and walks off
Brady yelling at teammates
Tom Brady makes W video tweets after every win, but none after a loss… of course!
Tom Brady was so looking forward to playing the Saints
After Tom Brady played the Saints…
Brady & Gronk after they beat the Chiefs in the AFC Championship game in 2018