The Last Dance is an ESPN documentary delving into the 1997 Chicago Bulls last run, but really it’s a look at Michael Jordan and what made him the greatest basketball player to ever live. We ran into a clip of Travis Kelce, which you can see below, where he is being asked to compare his teammates to those Bulls players of the past.
So, we thought it would be fun to do that ourselves and we have come up with 8 comparisons that we think fit! First, we will give you a little more insight into the documentary and Michael Jordan himself. Then, we have inserted Travis Kelce’s interview he recently did that got this whole topic started. Lastly, we go into our player comparisons between the 2019 Kansas City Chiefs and the 1997 Chicago Bulls.
What is the Last Dance all about and why is Michael Jordan so fascinating?

Travis Kelce talks Chiefs & Bulls player comparisons
Mahomes knows that winning and leadership have a price, but Frank Clark says it best!
Patrick Mahomes is Michael Jordan
Michael “Air” Jordan, the G.O.A.T. The man had it all with his will to win, his I.Q. for the game, his determination, his drive, his love and respect for the game, his work ethic, his leadership, his intensity, and his demand for others to give everything they had because he was giving everything he had. He made you better and that may have come at a price, but ultimately that price paid off with 6 championship in two separate 3-peats. Patrick Mahomes has only played two seasons, but when you start off with a league MVP, Super Bowl championship, and Super Bowl MVP you start hearing the early whispers of G.O.A.T. (greatest of all time) talk. Now, Patrick isn’t the tyrant that Michael was, but his otherworldly talents coupled with his leadership, work ethic, and I.Q. the sky’s the absolute limit with this kid.
Tyreek Hill is Scottie Pippen
Would Scottie Pippen have ever reached his full potential without Michael Jordan pushing him daily in practice and in games? No! Scottie was a great number two and helped win those championships with his complete offensive and defensive game. You heard what Travis said in that video above, “I mean, Tyreek, this offense doesn’t go without him!” Tyreek Hill wouldn’t have reached his full potential without Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes. However, now that he has reached that potential, this offense needs him just as desperately as that Bulls team needed Scottie.
Travis Kelce is Dennis Rodman
Dennis Rodman loves a good party, loves to talk, and is always dressed in some new fashionable or not so fashionable get-up. However, you could not deny his effort, intensity, and drive for the game when he was on the court. Travis Kelce shares these qualities and while not quite as eccentric as Dennis, because who is, we know Travis is the life of the party, but at the same time, the heart of this offense.
Sammy Watkins is Tony Kukoc
Tony Kukoc was considered a soft European player who didn’t have what it took to play in the NBA. When Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen learned Bulls GM Jerry Krause was wanting to bring him to the Bulls; they attacked him, discouraged him, and dominated him all game long in the ’92 Olympics. Tony would overcome that and became a valuable asset and weapon for that Bulls team. Sammy Watkins has also been considered soft during his short NFL career thus far. He has a lot of soft tissue muscle injuries and other little nagging injuries that have people questioning his toughness when they keep him out of games. However, there is no doubt that when he is out there on the field, he provides a much needed spark to the offense. He is a valuable asset and weapon just as Tony Kukoc was for those Bulls teams.
Frank Clark is Ron Harper
Ron Harper was an aggressive defender who wouldn’t let you get away with a cheap shot. He also didn’t take too kindly to trash talk. Ron had no problem taking on the best of the best and meeting that challenge. Frank Clark wanted the challenge of taking on Titans running back Derrick Henry a second time in the AFC Championship game. He vowed they would not let him run all over them like he did earlier in the year. Frank kept his promise and was that aggressive defender down the stretch just as Ron Harper once was.
Tyrann Mathieu is Steve Kerr
Steve Kerr was a student of the game as he has shown in recent years as the Head Coach of the Golden State Warriors. While smaller in stature, Steve didn’t let that stop or slow him down. He left everything he had out there on the court and wouldn’t back down from a fight. Tyrann has those same qualities as you see him point to his helmet because the play he just made was due to his intense film study. He may be small, but he packs a big punch and won’t back down from any challenge he may face on the football field.
Mitchell Schwartz is Luc Longley
Mitchell Schwartz and Luc Longley are tall unassuming figures who could be considered gentle giants outside their respective sports. However, their games are played in the trenches and the paint where they do the dirty work. That often goes unnoticed and unheralded by the average fan and viewer.
Andy Reid is Phil Jackson
Their cerebral offensive prowess is second to none. Andy has his version of the west coast offense, but caters to what his players’ skill set is best equipped for. Phil had the triangle offense which he was able to expertly deploy when Michael retired to play baseball. When Michael was there, Phil catered more to Michael’s instinct. He gave him a level of discretion to do what he deemed best. Both coaches have a laid back style and are considered “a player’s coach” although Phil ran the tighter ship. Andy is much more lenient with his players.
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