LOOK: Sterling’s biggest and most adorable smile yet! (4 photos)
Sterling has been smiling more in photos lately and we have her biggest smile yet. She is spending time with friends and we love seeing her so happy.
Sterling has been smiling more in photos lately and we have her biggest smile yet. She is spending time with friends and we love seeing her so happy.
Sterling is out on this beautiful Sunday night with Patrick and Brittany at the KC Current game. She spent some time in Patrick’s lap and by Birttany’s side enjoying the…
Sterling smiles, eats like her mama and spends a fun day in California. A lot of people have been asking for photos of Sterling smiling and here they are.
Sterling has been enjoying her time the last few days eating, playing, loving on her pups and making a mess. Enjoy the videos and pictures below!
Sterling was having what looks like some pasta for dinner. She takes a bite then goes to share with her dogs Steel and Silver!
Sterling and Brittany take a fun trip to see grandma! Steeling also feeds her pup and shows off her sassy side.
Nick Bostin a local hero in Lafayette, Indiana carried a 6-year old out of a burning building. Both were treated for injuries, but are okay and proof not all heroes…
Whether they are in Texas or Missouri it’s tough to beat the heat this summer. Sterling is trying her best with lots of water activities!
Sterling spent a fun day at the beach playing in the sand, enjoying some noodles and even showed a little sass!
The American Century Celebrity Golf Tournament took place this past weekend in Lake Tahoe much to the delight of all in attendance and watching on TV. Patrick Mahomes and Warriors…